Canolfan Iaith Bro GwaunMae'r Ganolfan Iaith yn rhan o Brosiect Abergwaun. Agorwyd y Ganolfan ym Mis Medi 2001, er mwyn cynorthwyo newydd ddyfodiaid di-Gymraeg yr ardal i ymgynefino gyda'r Gymraeg yn gyflym. Y mae cael Canolfan Iaith yn gwethredu i addysgu hwyrddyfodiaid yn ganolog yn gymorth i ysgolion cynradd y cylch ddiogelu safonau'r iaith ar lawr y dosbarth.
Cynhelir dau gwrs yn y Ganolfan ar gyfer y newydd ddyfodiaid: Cwrs Hwyrddyfodiaid - dau ddiwrnod yr wythnos. Cwrs Dilyniant - diwrnod yr wythnos. Yn ogystal, cynhelir gyrsiau 'Trosglwyddo Bwrlwm Bro Gwaun' ar gyfer disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 fydd yn parhau gyda'u haddysg yn Ysgol Bro Gwaun yng Nghyfnodau Allweddol 3 a 4. Bydd y cwrs ar gyfer y disgyblion sydd wedi derbyn lefel Mamiaith yn yr ysgol Gynradd yn canolbwyntio ar ymdrochi ymhellach yn yr Iaith Gymraeg a'u paratoi ar gyfer eu dosbarthiadau ym Mlwyddyn 7. Bydd y disgyblion hynny yn cael eu rhannu i ddosbarthiadau Cymraeg, Cymraeg Syflaenol a Chymraeg gyda chymorth. Byddant hwy yn parhau i ddilyn pynciau megis Cymraeg fel Pwnc, y Dyniaethau, ABCh ac Ymarfer Corff trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Pontio ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg - Cynhelir gyrsiau pontio Cymraeg llai dwys ar gyfer disgyblion Bl6 na fydd yn dilyn pynciau trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg Dyma ni ar y map! Here we are on the map! |
Fishguard Language CentreThe Language Centre is part of the Fishguard Project. The Centre was opened in September 2001, to help newcomers to the area speak Welsh quickly. Having a Language Centre operating to teach latecomers centrally helps primary schools in the area to safeguard the standards of the Welsh language in the classroom.
There are two courses for new entrants: Latecomers Course - two days a week. Progression Course - one day a week. In addition, the 'Bwrlwm Bro Gwaun' transition courses will be held for Year 6 pupils who will continue to further their education at Ysgol Bro Gwaun in Key Stages 3 and 4. The first course will be for pupils who have gained a Welsh First Language KS2 Level. They will continue to follow subjects such as Welsh, Humanities, PSE and PE through the medium of Welsh in KS3. The Second course is aimed towards pupils who have gained KS2 levels through the medium of English. This less intensive Welsh transition course is held for Year 6 pupils who have not followed subjects through the medium of Welsh in Primary school If your child / children are between 7 and 11 years, and have just started school in the Fishguard area - they will have noticed that many activities during a school day are conducted through the medium of Welsh.
Throughout Wales, the teaching of Welsh in schools is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. This reflects the importance of the language as an integral part of the culture, heritage and every day life of Wales. What are the advantages for my child in learning Welsh?
The Fishguard Language Centre is located at Ysgol Bro Gwaun. Here, in a friendly environment, children of similar age and ability, from many local primary schools, come together for 'beginners' Welsh courses. |
What advantages are there in allowing your child to attend the Centre?
- All the pupils start learning on 'a level playing field' - they are all newcomers to the language
- Class numbers never exceed 14
- One teacher, one subject ensure quick learning
- Use of the excellent IT and sports facilities at the school make learning Welsh fun!
- The Centre is funded by the Pembrokeshire Education Services - there is no cost to you.
- An opportunity to make friends with other children who are 'new to the area'.
Even if you don't speak Welsh, the good news is - it isn't difficult for your child to become bilingual.
There are many ways you can introduce your whole family to the language -
- Join a Welsh medium mother & toddler group in the area - you don't have to be able to speak Welsh but your child will hear it spoken and will learn Welsh songs and stories.
- There are local childminders and after-school clubs which offer Welsh activities.
- Watch some of the wide range of Welsh language TV programmes suitable for all ages with English sub-titles.
- Lots of Welsh language books, DVD's, CD Roms, Websites and Apps are available for all ages.
- Adult evening classes are run at Fishguard & many of the surrounding villagaes.
- Less formal 'parent group' sessions are held at some primary schools in order to encourage families to use Welsh at home.
Gwefannau Defnyddiol / Useful Websites
In a survey of how the Welsh people perceive the language at the start of the new millennium, it was found that -
Over 80% say that it's important for children to learn to speak Welsh*
7 out of every 10 support Welsh medium or bilingual education*
70% say being bilingual helps in finding jobs*
Over 80% say that it's important for children to learn to speak Welsh*
7 out of every 10 support Welsh medium or bilingual education*
70% say being bilingual helps in finding jobs*
Cysylltwch â'r Ganolfan / Contact details:
Ysgol Bro Gwaun Heol Dyfed Abergwaun Sir Benfro SA65 9DT Rhif Ffôn / Phone number: (01348) 874619 / (01348)872268 E-bost / E-mail: [email protected] |